Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Ten Commandments

Inside the Cards
Ten Commandments

Let this be our informally formal introduction, we saw you from across the room, all decked out in red and black; how could we not say hi? Here in the blogosphere, this is the equivalent of the "feeling out" conversation before we ask for you phone number. Except we have no way of finding out about you yet. So first, a few things about us - 

* Contrary to popular belief, we do not live in our parent's basement. 
* We do eat, sleep, and breathe all things Fightin' Cardinal related. 
*Our goal is to be the most interactive, complete, and informative UofL blog out there...all the while not taking ourselves too seriously.

Hopefully after we give you our number, we get a call back...

Now on to more important topics, how will we operate? Here at Inside The Cards, we will use a few rules to determine how we conduct ourselves, a list of ten commandments. The rules we will abide by are as follows -

I. Thou shalt not make a comment or statement about our football program without first considering the following quote - 

"We're on a collision course with the national championship. The only variable is time." - Howard Shnellenberger

II. Thou shalt always keep clean the name and poor fashion sense of a one Denzil E. "Denny" Crum. 

III. Thou shalt only reference Porcini's when speaking of their fantastic pasta.

IV. Thou shalt consider the following locations as holy grounds, these areas shall be treated with the utmost respect and held in the highest regards -

 Freedom Hall
 The Old Cardinal Stadium

V. Thou shalt hate any and all opponents and opposing fans on game day. (ed. note - this commandment may very well be the most important of all)

VI. Thou shalt only refer to Steve Kragthorpe by his alter-ego, The Krag. The Krag survives by devouring BCS winning football programs, and drinking the collective tears of a fan base.

VII. Thou shalt not call themselves a true fan of the Cardinals unless they have a man-crush on a member of the team. This blogs man-crush's -

Basketball - Preston Knowles
Football - Victor Anderson or Chris Campa

VIII. Thou shalt allow your significant other the option to carry Rick Pitino's lovechild, then ye shall entrust Tom Jurich to be the Godfather of said child.

IX. Thou shalt never allow jokes on how our logo is the only known bird with teeth, instead ye shall take pride in this fact, and defend the logo at all times.

X. Thou shalt remember that our little blog, like fine wine, will only get better with time. Bear with us as we work out any kinks and fix any issues. If you have any questions, comments, or issues contact any of the following -

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